News Releases

All families deserve to live in happy and stable homes free from criminalization, family separation, and surveillance.

The latest move by the Trump Administration to erode federal civil rights protections has especially cruel timing in the midst of a global pandemic.

On August 31, 2020 the parties reached resolution in the case.

“A Call for Racial Justice” seeks to inform, create dialogue, mobilize action and change.

We must demand a sustained and comprehensive set of actions to finally dismantle these inequities.

The presence of police officers in our schools and their detrimental impact on Black and Brown children is well documented.

New report describes an urgent and ongoing environmental and health crisis for many families living in affordable housing.

Each day children and parents continue to be apart exacerbates existing harms.

Our country is at its strongest when we welcome immigrants.

Nationwide Collection of State-Based Legal Advocacy Groups Stand with Immigrant Families and Communities

No family should have to make the choice between meeting their basic needs and being with their loved ones, particularly in the light of the COVID-19.

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