Recommendations for the Biden-Harris Administration to Address Critical Economic and Racial Issues

Despite the challenges ahead, change is possible.

America is about to embark upon a promising new chapter with a presidential administration whose attention is focused on charting a path toward economic recovery and racial healing. The challenges for the incoming Biden-Harris Administration are formidable, not only due to the crippling impact that COVID-19 has on our economy, but how it has exposed the continuing scourge of structural racism, which further complicates our recovery efforts. With 8 million more people falling into poverty since the beginning of the pandemic, the first few months of the new presidency will set the tone for the next four years and identify the real values of the White House: a robust COVID-19 response, full economic recovery and achieving racial equity.

Read our full list of recommendations on healthcare, housing, immigration, economic justice, criminal legal system reform, and the foster system.

The Shriver Center’s advocacy team and Legal Impact Network have identified and laid out a comprehensive set of priority actions for the Biden-Harris Administration. We support realizing solutions to ensure equity, opportunity, and justice can reach everyone.

These recommendations are just some of the most important areas we believe must be addressed urgently – and many are achievable. Despite the challenges ahead, change is possible. 

Read our full list of recommendations. 

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Our laws and policies must support people by ensuring fair work at a living wage and by providing the income supports families need to be successful.

America’s greatest strength is its diversity.

Everyone deserves access to affordable, comprehensive, culturally appropriate healthcare, no matter their income, race, gender, or where they're from.

All people should have the right to a safe, stable home to build better futures for themselves and their families.

People with criminal records face barriers to housing, employment, and other basic needs.

We center parents in advocating for policies and laws that strengthen families.

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